
The Retreat - An Ultimate 6 Week Post Partum Experience


Our Ultimate First 42 Days Care package - The Retreat is for mothers who want to not only be deeply nourished but held with the support of a postpartum doula throughout their pregnancy and postpartum.

This package includes:

  • Your own on-call chef for when you go into labour. Our chef will head into the kitchen when you go into labour and prepare your meals and they will be delivered within a 24 hour window. Delivered to your hospital or home for your first meals.
  • 6 x weekly deliveries to your door following an Ayurvedic Menu (21 meal serves each week)
  • Dinner for your partner for the 1st week (7 meals total)
  • A RESTORE Drinks Box including herbal hot chocolate, herbal mylks, herbal teas and naturopath-approved electrolyte drinks to support your breastfeeding journey and post birth recovery. 
  • A 4-hour visit from our postpartum doula, Rhiannon during your first 42 days including a womb massage, herbal foot soak and a range of doula services for her visit such as light cleaning, washing, taking care of older children, organising, birth debrief, breastfeeding support etc (additional visits can be added)
  • Access to our doula Rhiannon for phone, text message and email support throughout your pregnancy and first 42 days postpartum. 
  • Access to a digital library of resources such as books, meditation tracks, interviews with industry experts 
  • A membership in Rhiannon's private "Motherhood Journey" Facebook Group where you can connect with other women on their pregnancy and postpartum journey. 
  • Access to exclusive discounts from over 20 pregnancy, birth and postpartum service and products. 
